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“Ciapa Rat Pellet” Rodenticide bait


The rodent bait ‘Ciapa Rat Pellet’ is palatable to all species of mice and rats. Similar to wood pellets for the stove, it is a formulation that is widely used where feed or grain storage areas are present. It contains a bittering substance that is undesirable to humans and non-target animals.  

SKU: B7675
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“Ciapa Rat Pellet” Rodenticide bait

140g pack. It is essential to identify the routes that rodents habitually take between their nest and the food source. If you notice droppings or gnawed food residues, or have had occasion to see mice in a particular area, you must narrow down the area at risk, starting with hidden corners in that particular area. At this point, it will be necessary to place the specific bait containers in places where the animal passes and in less crowded areas. Ensure that the bait container for ‘Ciapa Rat Pellet’ Rodenticide Bait is placed away from environments such as communal domestic places, children’s play areas, densely trafficked areas or easily accessible areas. It is very important to use the rodenticide bait correctly, carefully following the instructions on the packaging. We strongly recommend placing the product in a bait container to ensure safe use.

  • STRENGTHS: – Ideal bait in agricultural and grain storage environments or where feed is present; – Very attractive bait for mice and all types of rodents in general; – Contains bittering agent undesirable to humans and pets; – Re-sealable bag to preserve product freshness;



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