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“Esca Sicura” container for rat bait


Container for safe placement of mouse bait. Constructed of durable, solid plastic material, this container will keep children and pets safe from your mouse bait. Great weather resistance allows the container to be placed both indoors and outdoors. The safety container can be opened with the supplied key and is suitable for holding any type of bait.COLOURS AVAILABLE: GREY BROWN (currently unavailable) GREEN (currently unavailable)

SKU: 7671
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“Esca Sicura” container for rat bait

For the safe distribution of rat bait. The material used to construct the container is designed to be robust and durable outdoors exposed to the elements. ‘Safe Bait is supplied with a special key for inspection and reloading. The bait compartment is large and can accommodate any type of bait other than Sandokan ones. When positioning the ‘Safe Bait’ container, it is essential to identify the areas ‘frequented’ by rodents. If one notices droppings or gnawed food residues, then that is precisely where the traps should be placed in order to circumscribe the pest control area as much as possible. Hidden corners, under furniture, attics, cellars… These are the places where rodents are most likely to be present and, therefore, where bait and containers should be placed. It is very important to avoid very crowded areas of the house or garden. Placing bait in those areas, despite the container, can be very risky. Moreover, it is highly unlikely that the rodent will pass through areas where there is a higher density of humans.
STRENGTHS:– Reusable container; – Can be used with spring traps; – Compatible with any rat bait; – Equipped with safety key.


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